Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Reaching People thru Dance, Music & Drama

Hello from the Lefever Family!

Happy New Year!  Time has gone so quickly, it's hard to believe that it's been a year since we returned to Lancaster.  It was an exciting, but challenging year as we learned how to best serve God as a family in missions.  We are in a very different place than we first expected yet as we reflect on the year, we realize how blessed we are to be involved in reaching out to people through not only our work in the immigrant community with Immerge, but also in serving hundreds of different groups that come to Refreshing Mountain each year and reaching the community thru the work of Cavod Academy.

This month we want to share more about what we're doing with Cavod Academy of the Arts.  Cavod trains students of all ages in dance, drama and music with a goal of "raising the standard of godly artistic expression".   Our girls have been involved in classes there for several years while we have volunteered in various ways.  This year each of the girls are taking classes (even Mala) and Amy and I work in their cafe.  Bente is a member of Cavod Dance Company (CDC) which performs for schools, churches and other groups.  CDC is one of the primary ways that Cavod reaches out to the community and also serves as a deeper level of training and mentoring for company members.  Check out the trailer of their current production, "Not of this World":   
cavod academy infusion trailer from Lavon Films on Vimeo.  You can learn more about Cavod and the dance company on their website: http://cavodacademy.com

This year CDC is going international, with a missions trip to Capetown, Africa in June. Bente and I (Carl) will be a part of the team.  The focus of the trip will be on supporting the church planting efforts of an existing team led by Merle Shenk.  Our team will be doing street ministry and praying for people in evangelistic meetings that will be held in the evenings.  The mission team is in the process of raising the funds for the trip, which are approx. $2,600 per person.  We'll be doing some fundraising projects as well as raising personal support. If you are interested in donating towards our Africa trip, you can use the "Donate" button on the right to contribute online or see the info below to mail a check.  Please be sure to designate that the funds are for the Lefever Family - Africa Trip"

As we look forward to all that 2014 has to offer, we are thankful for each of you.  It is such a comfort to know that others are interested in our journey.  Would you consider partnering with us in our ministry?  Here are some ways you can get involved:
  • Prayer:  We are looking for prayer partners that will stand with our family and developing ministry.  Click here to join our weekly prayer email list.  
  • Finances: We are raising funds for local ministry as well overseas mission such as the Africa trip.  If you feel led to support us, see below to donate
  • Volunteers: If you feel the call to help others but haven't yet found an outlet, contact us.  We'd love to help you get connected!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read our newsletter and for joining us in our adventures.  We will continue to send out updates via email and our blog on roughly a monthly basis.  Please feel free to share our updates with anyone you think is interested and if you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to one or more of our communication vehicles, use the links below. 

Carl & Amy Lefever

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10

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Financial Support
Tax deductible donations may be made in the name of "Lefever Family Missions" to Ephrata Community Church.  Click the Donate button below to give online via credit card, please be sure to include "Lefever Family Missions" in the special notes field.  Checks may be made out and mailed to Ephrata Community Church, 70 Clay School Road, Ephrata, PA 17522.  To ensure donations are directed to our ministry, please note "Lefever Family Missions" on the memo line. 

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