Sunday, December 23, 2012

In five sentences or less...

Hi everyone!  Amy and I were inspired tonight to do something fun (or at least interesting) to get to know our "audience" and to share a little bit more about ourselves as well.  So, here goes...

In our DTS training, we learned to prepare a short testimony about how we came to know Jesus as our personal savior, basically in 5 sentences or less.  The purpose is to be prepared at any moment to share with someone else the good news about what God has done or is doing in your life.  So, our challenge to each of you is to share your own story about how you came to know Christ, or some other story about how God is working in your life now, here on this blog.  You can join in by scrolling to the bottom of this post and clicking on the adding a comment to this post.   Remember it may only be 5 or less short sentences, something like this (Carl's testimony):

"I was raised in a Christian home, but I didn't have a personal relationship with Christ.  As a young adult, I turned my back to Christianity and immersed myself in all kinds of pleasures.  After years of vain pursuits, I was left empty and broken.  I found myself running to the front of an unfamiliar church where a stranger prayed something over me that was only God could have known and at the same time I was filled with a deep sense of peace that has never left. Since that day I have been forever changed and I know that I am a son of God because of the work of his Son, and my Lord, Jesus."

Thanks in advance for sharing, can't wait to hear more about your own stories!

Carl & Amy

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