Tuesday, December 3, 2013

God is Moving within the Immigrant Community

Hello from the Lefever Family!

In our last update, we discussed our calling as Christians to minister to the poor and needy, especially the orphans, widows and foreigners among us (Deuteronomy 10:18-19).  For our part, it seems the Lord leading our family to work with immigrants and refugees in Lancaster County.  Lancaster has become a center for immigration through increased placements by organizations such as Church World Services.  Many seeking refuge here come with little resources and have great physical, emotional and spiritual needs.  We are working as interns with an organization called Immerge, who coordinates and trains workers to reach out to this community.

This is an exciting time to be working in the immigrant and refugee community.  Each week we hear stories of the significant impact this ministry is having.
  • Immerge sponsored a thanksgiving party for the immigrants we are connected with and those who work with them.  We had close to 200 people attend this event with many new connections!
  • One of our team members provides transportation to a refugee who requires frequent medical procedures due to an injury.  On a recent trip, this man mentioned how even though he has many friends, it is his Christian friends that are helping him in his time of need.
  • Another Immerge team member and I have had the opportunity to have a weekly bible study with an immigrant friend.  We have been reading bible stories and having great discussions.
  • Amy has had the opportunity to get involved with the family we shared about in our last newsletter (click here for the story).  She and another Immerge team member are helping the wife learn english, which will be a big help for this family.
These are just a few examples of the things that God is doing within the immigrant community here in Lancaster.  We are blessed to be able to join in and are happy to be part of a team that encourages and spurs one another on in this work.  Would you consider partnering with us as we work to meet the needs of immigrant and refugee families? 

Here are some ways you can get involved:
  • Prayer:  We are looking for prayer partners that will stand with our family and developing ministry.  Click here to join our weekly prayer email list.  
  • Finances: We are raising support to dedicate 20+ hours per week to ministry.  If you feel led to support us, see the info below or click here to give.
  • Volunteers: If you feel the call to help others but haven't yet found an outlet, contact us.  We'd love to help you get connected!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read our newsletter and for joining us in our adventures.  We will continue to send out updates via email and our blog on roughly a monthly basis.  Please feel free to share our updates with anyone you think is interested and if you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to one or more of our communication vehicles, use the links below. 
Carl & Amy Lefever

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10

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Financial Support
Tax deductible donations may be made in the name of "Lefever Family Missions" to Ephrata Community Church.  Click the Donate button below to give online via credit card, please be sure to include "Lefever Family Missions" in the special notes field.  Checks may be made out and mailed to Ephrata Community Church, 70 Clay School Road, Ephrata, PA 17522.  To ensure donations are directed to our ministry, please note "Lefever Family Missions" on the memo line. 