Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lefever Family Missions Adventures Fall 2013 Update

Hello from the Lefever Family!
We are embarking on our next missions adventure and wanted to share what we are doing.  Since returning from our last adventure (check out our blog if you missed those updates or are new to our list), we've been making preparations to work in missions on a longer term basis. We have sold our house and have been working with our church missions board to develop a plan for further training and ministry. While we are still considering working overseas in the future, our next adventure will be right here at home!
We've been accepted into a nine-month missions apprenticeship program through an organization called Immerge. Immerge focuses on serving the growing immigrant/refugee population here in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Many immigrants arrive seeking refuge from oppression, only to find themselves isolated due to language barriers, cultural differences and the lack of a relational network. Our outreach will consist of developing relationships with refugee families and finding practical ways to helping them get established, including language coaching, transportation and job assistance.  
In addition to working with Immerge, I (Carl) am working in sales operations at Refreshing Mountain, a christian retreat center, Amy is homeschooling the girls, we are serving on the outreach team at our church and helping run the cafe at the dance academy where the girls are taking dance and drama classes this year. Bente has been invited to be a member of their dance company, which will give her the opportunity to travel and perform. There may even be an opportunity for their team to travel to Africa!
We are not certain where we will go when our apprenticeship ends, but we hope to do more work overseas. The apprenticeship with Immerge will give us great experience in working with foreign cultures and we will have weekly training and coaching from leadership team, each of whom have spent a great deal of time working in missions both here and abroad. The completion of our apprenticeship will coincide with the end of the school year and the expiration of our apartment lease, so we will be ready to go should the opportunity arise.

We are so blessed to be a part of this team that  is serving the immigrant population in Lancaster and helping those in great need.  We would love for you to be a part of what we are doing.  Here are some ways that you can join in:
  • PrayerPlease partner with us by praying for our family and immigrant ministry.  Pray that all barriers would be removed and that our work would be fruitful.
  • Finances: Would you like to support us financially as we minister to immigrants here in Lancaster?  See below for info on how to give.  
  • Volunteers: If you feel the call to help others but haven't yet found an outlet, contact us.  We'd love to help you get connected!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read our newsletter and for joining us in our adventures.  We will continue to send out newsletters periodically, check out our blog and facebook pages for more frequent updates, prayer requests and stories (see info below to subscribe). Please feel free to share our update with your network via the links below.
We are so grateful to those that have already been praying for us and for those that have supported us financially – it has made all the difference in terms of us continuing on this journey. We would love to hear from you and what is going on your lives too. Contact us anytime,
Carl & Amy Lefever
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10

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Financial Support
Tax deductible donations may be made in the name of "Lefever Family Missions" to Ephrata Community Church.  Click the Donate button below to give online via credit card, please be sure to include "Lefever Family Missions" in the special notes field.  Checks may be made out and mailed to Ephrata Community Church, 70 Clay School Road, Ephrata, PA 17522.  To ensure donations are directed to our ministry, please note "Lefever Family Missions" on the memo line. 